MySpace 2.0...I'm so late!!!

Recently I had the opportunity to customize a MySpace page, for Danah Cameron. Though I've always wanted to customize a MySpace account I've often feared using CSS to manipulate a webpage heavily designed using tables.

However, from the experience I've decided to add MySpace customization to the list of services I offer and I started looking more into how to use CSS to achieve this. Only to find that MySpace has decided to make their layouts tabless and added ajax to the member interface. They have joined the web 2.0 movement (in terms of design).

With the 2.0 layouts pages will load faster and members have more control over the look and feel of their MySpace pages. In Tom's blog - on Nov.10.2008 - he highlight that the new 2.0 layouts are "fully W3C compliant" and incompatible with Internet Explorer 6. Which is great! My only disappointment is that the 2.0 layout is not available for musicians, flimmakers or comedian profiles.

To learn more about MySpace 2.0 Layouts CLICK HERE and HERE. You can also get additional themes from PYZAM and I'll be sure to have some on the PXL Junkie soon.

1 comment:

2.0 myspace layouts mediation said...

No you are not late at all. This is very useful indeed.

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